Friday, October 15, 2010


We've started our end of the year clearance. Shop early for the best selection. All models on sale, plus free delivery and free extras to the first ten buyers.


Health Benefits of Hot Tubs:

Arthritis - hot water relieves pain

Diabetes - hot water improves circulation which lowers blood sugar

Stress - massaging jets stimulates body to release endorphins

Muscle Pain - hot water increases blood flow to the injured areas


  1. Hot Tubs Major Health Benefits
    1. Better Sleep
    The National Sleep Foundation notes that soaking in warm water before bedtime allows sleep to happen faster due to a rise in body temperature.

    2. Arthritis Relief
    Warm, pulsating water increases the blood supply to aching joints, thus reducing inflammation from the area and relieving pain. The warm water also relaxes muscles and allows for greater flexibility.

    3. Better Breathing
    Steam rising off hot water can help open up nasal and bronchial passages to aid in maintaining upper respiratory health.

    4. Headache Relief
    Many people find that soaking in a hot tub relieves headache pain, especially pain from tension headaches.

    5. Physical Rehabilitation
    Many professional sports organizations, trainers and therapists recommend warm-water therapy to help patients resume their daily activities faster.

    6. Exercise with Less Heart Strain
    A recent study at the Mayo Clinic found that soaking in hot water gives many of the health benefits of exercise with less strain on the heart. It increases the heart rate while it lowers blood pressure, rather than raising it as other forms of exercise do.

    7. Lower Back Pain Relief
    The U.S. National Institutes of Health cite many studies that show that warm-water therapy alleviates lower back pain and knee ailments by reducing stress and stiffness.

    8. Improved Circulation
    Health professionals cite that immersing in warm water raises body temperatures, causing blood vessels to dilate which then improves circulation. This process is called vasodilation, and it creates the perfect environment for relaxation.

  2. I love soaking in my hot tub especially when I'm stressed after a week hard work. I also love to do it with my friends, we just soaked in it and have fun. It is really awesome. My hot tub is 3 years now and it still functions very well. I bought it from a trusted store and you too can experience it, visit this link to know more of their products: swim spa.
